Sunday, February 22, 2015

4 Years Old

Well my sweet girl, today you are 4 years old.  I find myself looking at you all the time and thinking, "Wow, she's so big!  How did that happen?".

This morning when you woke-up, I said happy birthday to you and you asked me if you were a grown-up like mommy and daddy.  When I said, no not yet, you were quite upset.  I know 4 seems very big, but you don't need to be in such a hurry to grow-up.  There is plenty of time for that to happen!

The past year has been full of change for our family.  You had a tough time with the the move and missed our old house, but you are now happy where we are and you love your school and your best friend Elsa.  You are also very excited to be a big sister and you cannot wait for your baby to come.

Your very favorite thing to do is read books.  You read every day and always need a book close by.  You will read anything and everything, including my cookbooks and make up stories to go along with the pictures of food.  You also love to help me cook. Your favorite things to make are biscuits and chocolate chip pancakes.

Your other favorite things to do are play with your baby dolls, princesses, littlest pet shop, and my little ponies.  You are a girly girl through and through.  You only want to wear dresses and are drawn to everything pink, sparkly, and princess.  You love to sing and dance, especially to Taylor Swift and Katie Perry.

You have learned how to do so much on your own now.  You can get dressed and put on your shoes and socks.  You can open things by yourself that you couldn't before and you have been very helpful to me when I wasn't feeling well, getting me water and things from the fridge.

You are such a sweet girl and so full of personality.  You can definitely be challenging, but you make me smile everyday.  I love you so much and it is a joy to be your mother and watch you grow!

We celebrated your birthday and your cousin Josh's birthday last week with my family.  We had lots of fun at the park by Auntie Sara's house.

Then today we celebrated with daddy's family at the park by our house.  I think you had a very good birthday and I know everyone had fun spending it with you!

Happy 4th birthday Raeya!  I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

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