Thursday, March 12, 2015

20 Weeks/It's a...

BABY!!!!  I know, I'm so mean.  We really liked waiting to find out last time, so we're doing it again.  There's a nice profile of our cute little baby.

And baby being camera shy with his/her hands in front of the face.  I thought that was really cute!

Seeing our baby moving around on the screen was amazing!  It was a lot more exciting this time around, probably because Raeya slept through her ultrasound while this baby never stopped moving.  It feels like a real person now.

So I'm 20 weeks today.  Halfway there, hooray!  Time seems to be going by so much faster now that I'm not so sick.  I still have occasional nausea throughout the day, but mostly just in the evening.  I still need the B6/Unisom two or three times a day and one Zofran, but that's still a huge improvement.  I thought maybe I was ready to give up the Zofran, but I wasn't able to make it through the whole day without it.  Oh well, I'll try again if I start feeling like I might be ready.

This baby moves a lot!  I am now sure that I was feeling the baby back when I first thought I did.  As time went on, I was feeling it more and stronger.  It was pretty funny at the ultrasound because they told me to drink juice before coming.  I was thinking that this baby probably didn't need that since he/she moves so much, but I did it anyway.  Well the baby was moving like crazy the entire time!  I just hope baby will still do some sleeping too once he/she is here.  Please baby!

I am starting to feel anxious about getting things ready for the baby which seems kinda silly since there's still a lot of time left.  I think it's partly because there was so much more to do to get ready for our first baby that I just feel like I should have gotten started by now.

I think that's it for now.  I'll end with a 20 week picture.

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