Monday, January 23, 2012

11 months

Wow baby girl, you are almost one year old!  Party planning is in progress.  And we have an awesome birthday present for you that I can't wait to give you.

You are now an expert furniture cruiser.  You haven't made any attempts to stand alone or walk and it may be awhile because you are an extremely cautious little girl.  When you get down from standing you slowly inch your way down until your butt reaches the floor.

You haven't really added any new words yet, but you did try to say ball once by saying ba and you made a kkk sound for kitty.  Also daddy said you were putting your shirt over your face and saying boo when you pulled it down.  You like to click your tongue and you have also discovered the fun of screaming.  We were home the other night and you were having a great time screaming, but I wanted you to be quiet because it was almost bedtime and I wanted you to calm down.  So I whispered, "shhhhh baby, use your quiet voice" and you responded by whispering "ahhhhhh".  It was very funny and shows just how smart you are.

You are working on at least two of your top teeth right now and you're having a really tough time with it.  I hate seeing you so miserable!  I think they finally started to break through, so hopefully you'll start feeling better.

You had your very first trip to Disneyland with all your cousins, aunts, uncles, grandma and papa, mommy and daddy.  You had a great time although you weren't too sure about some of the rides we took you on.  You were liked the characters, but only from a comfortable distance.  I think your favorite part about the whole trip was the hotel room.  You really liked crawling around and exploring everything in the room.

Well, I was only one day late this time and I did actually start writing this yesterday.  It would have been on time if I had finished it.  Next month will be the big first birthday post!

Love you baby girl!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I need something more

I love being a mom, but that's not all I want to be.  I feel like I've lost myself since becoming a mom and I want to change that.  I no longer do photography, unless you count snapping pictures of my baby.  I also haven't danced in years!

So I decided I need a hobby.  While I would love to get back into photography, at the moment I feel I need something new and exciting.  Some kind of artistic outlet that allows me to express my creative side.  I want to be crafty.  I started to look up some projects to work on for Raeya's room and I am very excited about them.

We'll see how it goes, but if I'm successful, I'll post some pictures.  If not, I guess I'll have to find some other way to express myself.  It just feels good to put it down in writing so hopefully I'll be more likely to make it happen.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

10 Months

Sorry baby girl, I am late yet again with your post.  I blame it on the holidays.  Anyway, it was another exciting month.  You finally mastered real crawling and with that discovered the fun game of chase the cat.  You're not fast enough to catch the cat, but you laugh with delight each time you get close.  You also love to crawl around with an object in your mouth and in the spirit of Christmas, an ornament was one of the chosen objects.

You learned how to pull yourself up on furniture to stand and love going up and down.  You have also started to cruise the furniture a little bit.  Whenever I go to get you out of the crib now, you are almost always standing up waiting for me.

You are eating a lot more food now.  You really like puffs, cheerios and yogurt.  You also eat shredded carrots, cheese and apples and you eat peas too.

You still only have two real words, mama and dada, but you love to chatter away in your baby jibberish.  Mama seems to be your favorite word right now which is nice except I do occasionally need a break from your cuteness.

Okay baby girl, I need to finally post this thing since it has been sitting here for over a week.  I love you to the moon and back!