Thursday, January 19, 2012

I need something more

I love being a mom, but that's not all I want to be.  I feel like I've lost myself since becoming a mom and I want to change that.  I no longer do photography, unless you count snapping pictures of my baby.  I also haven't danced in years!

So I decided I need a hobby.  While I would love to get back into photography, at the moment I feel I need something new and exciting.  Some kind of artistic outlet that allows me to express my creative side.  I want to be crafty.  I started to look up some projects to work on for Raeya's room and I am very excited about them.

We'll see how it goes, but if I'm successful, I'll post some pictures.  If not, I guess I'll have to find some other way to express myself.  It just feels good to put it down in writing so hopefully I'll be more likely to make it happen.


  1. Maybe you can find some sort of class to take? Something that will force you to go regularly and get a little mommy-alone time!
