Tuesday, April 24, 2012

14 months

Well baby girl, you did it, you started to walk!  I wasn't sure if you would make it by 14 months, but 2 days before you turned 14 months you decided it was time.

Over the past month there were a few times that you took a couple steps by yourself, but it was usually because you weren't paying attention and had no idea that you did it.  Then a few days ago, you were standing all by yourself and holding something in your hands.  You were staring at me with this look in your eyes like you were contemplating whether you should just go for it.  I anxiously waited and then you took about 5 steps and were so proud of yourself!  I was shouting, "Yay"!!!!! and clapping.  I was so proud of you.  Then you did it again for daddy to see.

We did manage to get some video of you walking later on, but you didn't have any clothes on.  Don't worry, we will not be posting that on the internet.  We will wait until we get some more video of you walking with clothes on to share with everybody.

You still prefer to get around by what we now call knee walking, but you are getting more and more confident about walking on your feet.  I'm sure I'll be chasing after you in no time!

Your favorite word is still uh-oh and you love to jabber away in your cute little baby jibberish.  If only I could understand what you're trying to say because you sure have a lot of stories to tell!

Even though I haven't been very successful getting you to use sign language, you are getting some nonverbal communication across.  Sometimes I'll stroke your skin and when I stop, you pick up my hand and put it on the spot I was stroking and give me a look that says, "mom, don't stop".

One of my favorite things that you do right now is pick up a book and bring it to me to read, then you back yourself into my lap and sit down.  When I'm done, you go pick a different book and climb into my lap again.

You have 8 teeth now and 4 more coming!  I can't wait until you get a break from teething.  I hate to see you in pain.

Love you baby girl, more and more everyday.  I'll end with some pictures.

Playing outside in the grass.

All dressed up for Easter.

Monday, April 2, 2012

13 months

Baby girl, sorry for the lateness of this post.  You are having a very rough time with teething, especially at night, which means I am a very tired mommy.  You like to nurse all night long to ease your teething pain!  It's okay though because I don't like for you to be in pain.

You added two more top teeth which means you have 7 now.  That fourth bottom tooth is about to break through and you have another bulging set on top waiting to work their way out!  I wish teething wasn't so difficult for you, but I'm trying to do everything I can to make it a little easier.

Your favorite word right now is uh-oh and it usually means you are about to do something you shouldn't be doing.  You also say key in a high pitched voice for kitty.  You can also say baby.

You finally realized that you can stand all by yourself, but you still don't seem to be very interested in walking on your own.  You started to walk on your knees and seem to be perfectly satisfied to get around that way.  Everyone thinks it's hilarious!  I really want you to walk by Easter, but I guess I have to be patient and wait for you to be ready.

I guess that's all for now.  I'll end with a photo of your beautiful cheesy smile.

1st Birthday Party

I am way behind on posting!  Baby girl, you keep me awfully busy these days.  I'm going to make this quick because I also need to do your 13 month post which should have been done a week and a half ago!

Your first birthday party was a huge success.  It was a butterfly themed party and Tia Jackie did a wonderful job with the decorations.  Auntie Sara made a beautiful butterfly birthday cake.  A ton of family and some friends came too and spoiled you with attention and gifts.

You had a great time and you loved the cupcake that I made special just for you.

Here are some pics from the big day.