Sunday, November 17, 2013


I may not be cut out for this whole blogging business.  I guess only time will tell.  I don't feel too bad though, because no one actually reads my blog.

I just thought I would do a quick post since it's been about 6 months since I last posted.  I can't think of what I want to say at the moment, so instead I'll share a recent photo that I took of my cutie pie.

I can't believe how big she's gotten.  I'll try to post something with more substance soon.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Potty trained

So, I meant to write about this when I was actually going through the process, but of course that never happened!

Instead I get to say that my daughter has now been potty trained for about a month and a half.  We started April 2nd and it went very well.  She got it right away and had very few accidents.  Then by about the 5th day I believe, she wasn't having accidents anymore.

She will still occasionally have an accident, but it's rare and usually happens when she's really upset and just seems to lose all control.  In the past month, I think she's had 4 accidents and 2 of those were on the drive home from Disneyland, which is pretty good for a 2 year old who is newly potty trained!

I had no idea what I was getting myself into because I know some people have a really hard time, but she did so well!  I was just lucky with my timing I think.  She was extremely ready to do it.

Her best friend had just potty trained about 1-2 months earlier and she was extremely interested as a result.  She always wanted to sit on his potty and really seemed to want to start the whole process.  She was also very aware of her bodily functions and would ask to have her diaper changed.  Also, when she was naked, she would ask for a diaper when she needed to go.

I ended up feeling like I was holding her back from being potty trained and decided I better just go ahead and do it while she was showing such an interest.  And now I'm so glad I did.

I have to say, I don't miss changing diapers!  It used to be such a battle.  I love that she's potty trained!  Although now I'm sad that she really, really isn't a baby anymore.  And now I want another baby...

We are not ready for another one at the moment.  We are in the middle of too many major life changes, but hopefully soon everything will settle down and we can have another one. =)

Until then, I will just enjoy the one on one time I have with my toddler.  I love her more than anything. I can't believe what a big girl she is now!

I wanted a picture to go along with the potty training post, but the closest thing I could find was her painting in her panties!  So here is the artist with her wild hair, experimenting with some body painting while wearing her Cinderella panties. =)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Very Late 2 Year Update

My sweet baby girl, we celebrated your 2nd birthday on February 22 by going to see Disney on Ice with grandma, papa, and cousin Caitlyn.  And mommy and daddy of course!  You had a lot of fun even though you weren't quite ready to sit through the whole thing.

Then the following day we celebrated with family and friends by having a ladybug themed party.  You had so much fun playing with your friends and cousins.

You received lots of nice gifts for your birthday and your favorite was a doll from your friend Alex.  You played with it the rest of the day and even took it to bed with you that night.

Daddy and I gave you a tricycle and you love to ride it.  Every time you see it downstairs, you want to ride it.

It has been another year full of joy as I watch you grow up.  You have changed so much this past year and even though I still call you my baby, you are definitely not a baby anymore.

You are such a talker, but whenever we go out, it takes you awhile to warm up.  So most people don't get to see what a chatterbox you are.

You also like to read books, sing songs, and dance.  Your favorite song to sing is twinkle twinkle little star.  I love it when you sing.  I also love it when you read books by yourself, out loud.

When we go outside, you like to collect rocks and look for bugs.  You are surprisingly good at picking up bugs without squishing them.

You love all animals and always enjoy going to Ardenwood farm to see the goats, chickens, and bunnies.  You like to pet the goats and chase the chickens.  Sometimes you even manage to pet the chickens, though mostly they are too fast for you.

You have become quite independent and want to do many things for yourself.  You like to try to dress yourself and don't want any help, even though you still need it.  You can put a skirt on all by yourself and sometimes you can get pants on by yourself too.  Though many times you end up with both legs in one pant leg!  It's ok, you're still learning.  You're pretty good at putting on your own shoes and you rarely let me pick out which ones you will wear anymore.  You are a shoe girl and you know which ones you want to wear.

You give the best hugs and kisses and are very good at making me feel better if I am sad.  One day I was upset about something and crying and you said "huggy" to ask me if I needed a hug.  I said I did need a hug, so you gave me a big hug and completely melted my heart while also cheering me up.

You are such a sweet little girl and I love you more and more every day!

Photo by JRoPhoto

Monday, January 14, 2013

A week shy of 23 months

Where did the time go?  I'm going to stop the formal, monthly posts for awhile since they obviously aren't working out so well!

My sweet baby, I put pigtails in your hair for the first time and I swear you grew up right before my eyes.

You are all toddler!  Speaking in full sentences, clearly expressing your likes and dislikes, and generally bursting with energy.

You love all animals and get so excited when you see a bird, dog, cat, any animal really!  You spend your time with your kitties alternately being gentle, hugging, petting but then also terrorizing them and chasing them around the house.  You love them and luckily they love you too!  They put up with a lot from you because they like you so much.

You still spend most of your time playing with your baby dolls and your various stuffed animals.  Putting them in your doll stroller, your real high chair, changing their diapers and feeding them.  You are so sweet with your babies and stuffed animals.

I'm going to stop for now.  I will do a post for your 2nd birthday, but I'm going to try to do updates randomly when I feel like it instead of trying for specific dates because that hasn't been working out too well and I don't want to forget all the things you do to amaze and entertain me =)

I love you so much baby girl!!!!  (and you like to tell me now "I love you too" which melts my heart every time I hear it)