Sunday, March 3, 2019

37 weeks

I am now 37 weeks and one day. Baby, you can come anytime now! Although you probably won't be here for at least another 2 weeks. I kinda want to enjoy these last weeks before you come, but also kinda just want you to hurry up and come.

The reason I want you to come now is because my body is just sore and tired from being pregnant. And while I felt like I was cool with waiting until 39/40 weeks for you to come, that all changed when my hemorrhoid decided to get super angry and painful. That is the last thing I want to be dealing with right now and it has been awful. If it would heal and get better, that would be a different story, but it might not until you come. So that's why I'm kind of in a hurry for you to come. For the sake of my poor booty.

It's ok though. I think I've managed to come to terms with it and will be here patiently awaiting your arrival while tending to my poor swollen booty. I do have to say, this pregnancy has thrown so much at me and each obstacle has made me all the more sure that this is the last time I ever want to be pregnant! I am so very thankful for you little baby, and also so very done.

We seem to be mostly ready for your arrival. Just a few last minute details to take care of. We had our home visit today and now have the birthing pool here. Our bedroom is all rearranged so the pool will fit. We got a carseat. Clothes and blankets washed. Diaper service arranged. Birth kit is here. I think all the major stuff is handled. I can't believe it's almost time to meet you!

You are definitely running out of room and it's not very comfy when you try to stretch out. It's still pretty cool though when you're rolling around in there. I just can't wait to see you on the outside and hold you in my arms. I am so ready to hold you and love on you.

Ok, one last complaint...Braxton hicks contractions are driving me crazy! How much practice does my uterus really need? I hope that the more they ramp up, the closer I am to the real thing because I need there to be a good reason for all this uncomfortableness. Ok, I'm done. I'm really excited to meet you because the cute squishy baby at the end is really what I'm going through all this for. I don't like doing it, but man the prize at the end sure is good.

I'll end with some bump progress.

32 weeks

36 weeks