Saturday, August 13, 2016

One year old!

Oh my sweet Sunshine, you had your first birthday and are now one year old.  It just flew by so fast!  I still can't help but smooch on those chubby cheeks of yours and your smile is infectious.  You have this sweet little giggle that you do when you are amused and it is the most adorable thing ever.

You can stand up by yourself for a few seconds, but as soon as you realize that you're doing it, you slowly sit down.  You like to walk around with your walker toy or holding on to someone's hands.  Your Auntie said you took a step by yourself on your birthday yesterday, but I think like standing, you'll only do it when you don't know it's happening.

You are far more daring than your sister and have started climbing up on your walking toy.  You also were trying to climb up onto the couch yesterday, you weren't successful, but definitely trying.  I think we may have a climber on our hands, which will be new territory for us.

Some of your favorites include avocado, animals, balls, baby dolls, your sister, and of course mommy. Whenever you have something you really like, you hold it to your chest and rock it like a baby.  It's really cute, but also funny because you do it with anything you like.  It could be a doll, a water bottle, or a book, you will hug it and rock it to show it's something good.

Your birthday party was a huge success.  You had a great time and enjoyed a little bit of frosting off your cake.  You weren't too interested in eating it, but you made a nice, big mess.  The only bad part was cleaning you up after cake.  You had frosting all over your body and you thought it was pure torture to have it cleaned off.  You eventually forgave us and all was good again.  It was a lovely elephant themed party where everyone enjoyed some fun at the park with family and friends.

You are such a sweet baby and you love to give kisses now, especially to your sister.  You make a smacking sound with your lips to give kisses and we say besos and lean in which makes you smile and giggle. 

I think that's it for now my love.  I started this post the day after your birthday, but didn't get around to finishing it until now.  I want to get it posted before it's time to do another update!  I love you so much my sweet Sunshine and I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us.