Wednesday, January 16, 2019


So I am about 30 1/2 weeks along. I should have done a post at 28 weeks for my update, but that didn't happen.  Sorry little baby, but I guess you should just get used to that being the way things go as #3. I will do my best, but it gets harder to keep up when there's more kiddos and I'm not the most organized person to begin with.

Anyway, this little baby is getting quite strong! I would say the activity level is in-between that of my 1st and 2nd kids. This baby is way more active than Raeya was, but not quite as crazy as Elisabeth. Hopefully this baby will be a nice balance between the other two. I am enjoying all the movement and watching body parts roll around in my belly. It is such a weird thing that you never get used to no matter how many times you do it. Weird and wonderful! Although like I said, little baby is getting strong and it hurts when too much pressure is put on my hipbone or the baby stretches out too much. Oh well, I still mostly enjoy it and know it is the one thing I will miss about growing babies. I won't miss the hiccups though, lol. This baby gets crazy strong hiccups all the time just like Elisabeth did and I find them quite annoying.

I'm finally down to one zofran a day, but still take unison/b6 3 times a day. It's definitely much nicer to have occasional nausea instead of constant nausea. I don't feel like I was able to get back to normal like I eventually was able to last time, but I feel so much better and I'll take what I can get. I just have a lot more aches and pains this time. I'm also more tired and the nausea comes on easily by over doing it. I just have to do the best I can and know that this isn't going to last much longer. The end is in sight and it will be all worth it once that baby is in my arms.

Oh another thing I forgot to mention about this little baby is it does not like being messed with. Anytime the heartbeat is checked, it kicks at the doppler or fetoscope and moves around like crazy. I think it's so funny. I love how their little personalities are there so early on.

Raeya and Elisabeth both love to feel the baby move in my belly and fight over having their hands on me. Hopefully that means this will be one loved little baby. Elisabeth has moved over to team boy while Raeya is still firmly team girl. I think it's a girl, but will be happy either way.

I think that's it for now. Here's my 28 week photo:

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