Sunday, December 2, 2018

24 weeks

I meant to do a 20 week post, but that never happened. So I guess technically this is a 20/24 week post.

Anyway, I have been feeling much better. Even cut down to 2 zofran a day! I still need 3 unison/b6 a day, but often forget since I cut back on zofran and that has thrown my schedule off. When I do forget, I ended up not feeling so good. Nothing like how awful I felt before though! I am able to get out and about, but get tired easily and if I do too much, I end up feeling nauseous and need to take it easy the following day. Still a huge improvement though and I will take what I can get.

I am feeling the baby so much more now and can even see it moving around when I look at my belly. This is definitely my favorite part about being pregnant and quite possibly the only part I like! I have to say, while I greatly enjoy all the baby movements, I will be very glad to never be pregnant again. It makes me feel so much more connected now that I can actually feel the baby moving around in there. Jose has been able to feel the baby move a couple times and Raeya was able to feel it too. Raeya was really excited after she felt it, which is nice because she hasn't been too thrilled about another baby joining the family. Elisabeth said she felt the baby, but I'm not too sure. She can't really stop moving herself long enough to really feel it. Maybe as it gets bigger and has even more, stronger movement she'll actually feel it.

We had the 20 week anatomy scan and everything looked great with the baby. The tech said the baby was very cooperative which made her job a lot easier. We managed to remain team green even though I felt very tempted to find out! Later I was talking to Jose about how much harder it felt to wait this time and he reminded me about how exciting it was to finally meet our baby and discover whether it was a boy or a girl. He's right, it really was such a wonderful surprise both times and I'm glad we chose to do it again. I loved watching the anatomy scan, I could sit and watch my baby all day long. Here's a couple of photos from the scan.

Look at those lips!

Baby peaced out at the end.

I don't think I have much else to share right now, so I'll end with a some bump photos.

20 weeks

24 weeks

24 weeks

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