Friday, October 6, 2017

Almost 20 months

You will be 20 months old in 5 more days, but if I don't start this post now, who knows if it will ever get done.

My sunshine girl, it is so fun watching you grow.  I don't feel like I was sufficiently prepared for dealing with such a strong personality, but I am doing my best.  You have big emotions which means you are very happy, but also get very angry, frustrated, sad, etc.  I have been caught off guard by your huge tantrums and I'm trying to learn how to handle them.

That being said, you are endlessly entertaining.  You have so much personality and I am constantly cracking up at things you do, say, and faces you make.  You are extremely expressive.

*Well sweetie, you keep me busy and I never finished this post. I'm just going to move on and do a new post about what you're up to these days. Love you so much my joyful child!

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