Wednesday, May 4, 2016

9 months

Sunshine love, you are now 9 months old.  This has been quite a month for you!  There are all kinds of tricks you can do now.  You love to clap, point, and wave.  Waving is by far your favorite lately.  You have an adorable wave that Grandma calls your princess wave.  This wave is also great proof of your new understanding of words as whenever you hear the words "hi", "hello", or "bye", you start waving.  You are quite amused by people waving at you and just stare at them.  But if they say one of those key words, you will show off your waving skills.

This month you decided that this whole eating business is pretty cool.  You're in that wonderful phase where you will eat anything that is put in front of you.  I need to enjoy it while it lasts because soon enough I'm sure you will end up being picky like your sister.  I guess I can always hope that you stay a good eater.

I can tell that you really want to be mobile and I think that is causing a lot of frustration for you.  When you are in our arms, you are twisting and pushing on us like you're trying to go somewhere, but you're not happy if we put you down because you don't know how to get anywhere yet.  You'll figure it out soon, though, you are so close.  You started to scoot some on your booty, but it takes you a long time to go very short distances because your motion is all up and down like you're bouncing.  I really need to get it on video because it looks hilarious.  You are also leaning forward while you're sitting and trying to get on your hands and knees.  One foot keeps getting stuck in front of you though and when you make it over that foot, you end up flopping on to your stomach.  Like I said, you're getting close and you'll be taking off in no time.

The little bit of mobility you have managed to acquire is allowing you to get in to all kinds of stuff already.  You have made your way over to the diaper bag and gone through the contents and you've also sifted through papers and magazines from the coffee table.  Which is fine until you start eating them and then I have to take them away.  I really need to do some baby proofing because you are very curious and love to get in to things you shouldn't right now.  Once you are crawling, I'm in trouble if I don't get my act together.

You have definitely been much more focused on language than motor skills which is why you are not crawling yet, but are understanding lots of words and are making so many different sounds.  You aren't really using any words yet, but you can repeat a bunch of different words.  I didn't even know babies your age could do that and at first I thought I was just hearing things until other people were pointing it out too.  So far you have repeated "dada", "papa", "mama", "ball"(ba), "Katie"(I don't remember how you said it, but you definitely repeated it.), "ow".  I think that's it.  The only word you really know though is "dada".

You try to copy other things too.  Like when we were at the doctor's office for your 9 month check-up and your doctor was trying to distract you by snapping her fingers, you watched her fingers so carefully and you brought your thumb and index finger together like you were trying to snap.  It was crazy to see.  You are definitely one smart little baby.

One of the funniest things you did this month was when you were supposed to be taking a nap in the swing, but you decided you'd rather play peek-a-boo instead.  You'd hold up your blanket so you couldn't see and then put it down with a big smile on your face.  So freaking cute!  You did that many times and even though you were supposed to be going to sleep, we couldn't help but laugh and play along with you.

Well, I think that's it for now.  I love you so much my sweet baby.  You are such a joy.

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